Sunday, October 21, 2007

Ready to win the game

Eagle's break thru the banner to start the scond half @ Joshua's football game.

Pass the ball

Joshi's football team is currently 7-o in their division. Can you see # 83?

Eagles win another game

Eagles win another game beating the Patriot's 26 to 0 the Eagles are now 7-0. They have one last game to play before the big playoff's. Joshi had two sack lunches in the game. Check out the video.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

The Eagles make the play on this hot day in Arzona. Eagles won the game again! Whoo Hoo!!!!

Joshua playing his first football game in AZ.

Joshi's first game in Arizona since he and his family moved out here.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Felix's surprise birthday party.

These are pictures from my 40th birthday. Among the guests were our dear friends Dennis and Heather Mcdaniels.

Dennis (DC) and Felix (Big Worm)

Felix in his crazy birthday hat. Dennis and his room mate.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

The Grigsby's at Mount St Helen's

Cooks and I enjoying ourselves at Mount St Helen's while on vacation. We were visiting the Montez family.

115 degrees in Arizona

The Montez Family enjoy themselves in our pool on this hot day in AZ. It was a sweltering 115 degrees Saturday afternoon.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Christmas at Chuck's house

Felix's Christmas party 12/2006 at his boss's house. Enjoying themselves are Chris, Brian, Marco and Chris Marco's wife.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Chuck's Christmas party

Here are my co-workers from the mail room Brian, Joanne, Chuck and my wife Cassaundra. Chit chatting in Chuck's backyard.

Sam & Jesse Birthday

The Montez Family moved to "HOT"Arizona from"COLD"Oregon to live and be with family. They have adjusted and seem to be happy. We celebrated Sam & Jesse's Birthday's with cake and ice cream.

Jesse requested a special dinner. The menu was tamales, grapes, popsicles and cake. Trying to find tamales in Queen Creek was a challenge in itself. We drove all the way to Chandler to get them. For those of you who don't know the area it was about 45mins from home.

Camp 18

Cooks and me vacationing in Oregon August 2006. Visiting Sam, Krista and the boys!!!!!

First Photos

This was our first visit to Oregon. Vacationing from 7/31/06 - 8/15/06.